The United Kingdom has been cited by the Envisage International Corporation as the second choice for international students in the world, behind only the USA. The standard of excellence that attracts students all over the world is set by the older universities with...
Key Updates On The South African Immigration Law Changes
2018 has come and gone, 2019 is here and it promises to be quite a busy one on the immigration front. We ended the year with amendments to the Immigration Regulations, more on that later. We have a new Minister and an Acting Director General so the leadership...
Asylum Seekers and Refugees Can now apply for Temporary and Permanent Residence Permits- Constitutional Court
It has been a long road since the 3rdof February 2016 when the then Director General issued Directive 21 that withdrew Circular 10 of 2010 effectively closing the door for any Refugee or Asylum Seeker from applying for a Visa or Permanent Residence Permit in terms of...
Applying for South African General Work Visa?
Some time ago I wrote about the unintended consequences caused by the incoherent application process for the General Work Visa. At the time it seemed the problem was around a process that was riddled with delays and numerous uncertainties such that applying for a...
Prohibited Persons Status and how to uplift a Prohibited Persons Status
The Immigration Act and the Department of Home Affairs abhors fraudulent documents. Section 29(1)(f) provides ; The following foreigners are prohibited person and do not qualify for a port of entry visa, admission into the republic , visa or a permanent residence...
SA Visa Renewal Procedures- what to watch out for
2018 has been off to a flying start. We are now in March and we have a new President and a new old Minister of Home Affairs. What these changes mean for the Immigration landscape, only time will tell. It has been almost 4 years since the wholesale changes to the...