Study Visa

South African Study Visa

How to Apply for a South African Study Visa 

Are you looking to apply for a study visa? This section will explain what some of the requirements are, and how we can assist.

South African study visas are issued to foreigners intending to study in South Africa for longer than three months. He or she must study at any institution of learning that is approved by the Department of Home Affairs.

Typically, learning institutions encompass primary, tertiary and any higher education institutions. Depending on the institution concerned study visas are issued for durations up to 8 years. New immigration amendments have narrowed the definition of a learning institute and not all schools are authorised to enrol foreigners. It is essential to check first if your school meets the definition of a learning institution.

South African study visas do not entitle the holder to conduct work, as defined in the Immigration Act since the applicant should in that case apply for a work visa. However, for learners at higher education institutions, part-time work may be conducted for a period not exceeding twenty hours per week which requires authorisation.

Work in South Africa may also be authorised for those learners who are required to perform practical training as part of his or her studies.

As Immigration Specialists, our expertise can be utilised in terms of acquiring a study visa, therefore you can contact us with your enquiries.

If you require further information, contact us for all queries pertaining to a South African Study Visa.