Registration Requirements For Artisans in South Africa
Applying for critical skills work visa in South Africa as an artisan has been a challenge for the longest time. In 2014 when the current amendments to the Immigration Act were gazetted several gaps were identified in the Act which included the absence of a SAQA...
South African immigration Update August 2021
2021 has been a very busy period for us working in the field of SA immigration. The continued national state of disaster has meant that with every lockdown level new immigration directions are provided and keeping up with these has been interesting to say the least. ...
The Minister of Home Affairs has Published a Draft Critical Skills List
For the past 3 years speculation has been rife about an amendment to the Critical Skills List. At some point a leaked document was doing the rounds and led many people into a panicked state. Some even believed that the critical skills list was changed then. In all...
Amended SA Immigration Directives for Lockdown Level 1
The amended directives provide for visa extensions and additional services on offer at the department of home affairs
Fraudulent and Fraudulently obtained South African Permits
Minister of Home Affairs says they are beginning a process to investigate all irregularly or fraudulently issued permits and visas from previous years
Entry Denied at Port of Entry- What are your rights in South Africa?
South Africa is the destination of choice for many people from the continent and the world. As a result of this the country’s ports receive millions of travellers annually entering for various reasons. However, on occasion a traveller is refused entry having been...