Submissions To Refugees Amendment Bill

INTRODUCTION  The Refugee Legal and Advocacy Centre welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Refugees Amendment Bill. The interests of asylum seekers, the provisions of international law, the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic, the current Refugees...
South African Immigration Update

South African Immigration Update

There is never a dull moment in the field of SA Immigration. It has been a very busy month in the immigration landscape with a number of developments both on a policy front, courts and the day to day immigration issues.  When one is spoilt for choice it becomes very...
The Police Clearance and South African Immigration.

The Police Clearance and South African Immigration.

A  police clearance is one of the general requirements in an application for any visa or permit to reside in South Africa.  While it may seem to be a straight forward matter, many have found their applications rejected for failing to produce a “valid police clearance”...