The Study visa subclass 500 is one of the many entry pathways in to Australia that allows the holder to reside in the country for up to 5 years, take up part time employment and also allows qualifying dependents to accompany the applicant as well.

The first step in studying in Australia and hence getting a student visa is being accepted into an approved course of study.  This is called a Certificate of Enrolment (COE).  The following is needed to proceed with a COE and visa application:

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement

This is proof that the potential student does not have an ulterior motive of just applying to study as a way to enter Australia.  Whilst it is not against regulations and policy that a student may enter Australia, complete studies and then find work as a pathway to Australian citizenship, Immigration may refuse a visa if the student does not meet the GTE.

So how does a student meet the GTE requirement?  The applicant must be able to demonstrate the s/he has a genuine intention to stay in Australia as a student.  Factors that the Department of Home Affairs considers are:

  • Circumstances in a student’s home country
  • Potential circumstances in Australia for the student, a red flag would be if all the applicant’s family is in Australia and s/he has no ties to South Africa.
  • Value of the chosen course to future career.
  • Immigration history such as refused visas etc.

Student Visa Requirements

 So now that we have a COE from an approved course provider what are the next steps? Having a COE is the first step in getting a student visa but does not guarantee being granted a visa.

The following is needed for a visa application:

  • Evidence of sufficient funds which includes tuition, travel (costs of return flights and living costs).  Living costs are $20,290 AUD per year for the main applicant.  This changes if a student has dependents such as children which need to have school fees added etc.  Evidence of funds can also be shown by access to $60,000 AUD per year from a student’s parents or spouse.  Rules are strict as to who can financially support a student.
  • English Proficiency: A student from a non-English speaking country will need to take an English exam such as IELTS.  The required score varies but generally will require a minimum of 6, but if it is lower, then a student will need to be enrolled in an English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).  This is usually determined by a student’s course provider
  • Health and Character Requirements: Depending on a student’s application and country of passport, a student may be required to take an approved health exam and police clearance
  • Overseas Student Health Cover: All students except a few specific passport holders (Belgium or Norway) must have approved student health cover for the length of their course.

At Strategies Migration Services we are able to secure your placement at a learning institution and process you study visa as well.  Contact us for assistance.